The latest reviews of Track The Stars mounts
TTS-160 Panther Lite Telescope Mount
“The first impression I got from this Mount is it’s lighter than expected, given how much weight it can handle and it’s well built. The mount will be sold unbundled so you can use a Pier tripod or whatever system you want to support it. I added a losmandy dovetail saddle to the side and strapped on my big Tec 160 FL refractor this scope has a focal length of 1120 mm and weighs 14 kg with rings, dovetail and handle. The mount handled it with ease, note that with a single scope on one side there is no need for counter weights provided you balance it properly. “ – Mark
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Lite Telescope Mount
“In this configuration, you put the telescope in one of the side mounted saddles, and on the other side of the mount, you put one of the counterweight arms pointing straight backwards. Now you can put an 4kg or 8kg counterweight on the arm, and then slide your long refractor forward in its rings, thereby dramatically reducing eyepiece movement! And it works really, really well! By having this laterally movable weight, you can namely also very easily rebalance the scope laterally, when you change eyepieces. “ – Thomas
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“I was completely surprised by the TTS-160 experience – it is beautifully engineered, quick to setup/align, easy to use, and robust/reliable in operation. Even the control pad – which seemed pretty quirky and niche to start with – is well though through, has a comprehensive list of objects built in (negating the need for a PC to control the G41) , and is very practical to use in the cold and dark.” – Gareth
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“In daring to think outside the box, designers and engineers Niels Haagh (mechanics) and Jesper Rasmussen (electronics) have applied the Danish design principles known and loved throughout the world to an innovative game-changer of a mount. It looks, feels and operates like no other commercial unit, exuding a confident air of quality in stainless steel, brass and anodised aluminium.”
– Astro Kit Review: TTS-160 Panther mount (Ade Ashford)
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“The Panther mount is also beautiful and design worthy of MoMA (Museum of Modern Art New York). I can speak about that with some minor authority since I am a designer and have many things in museums including MoMA. If the Panther TTS-160 fits your budget and you would like the simplicity of ALT/AZ in a well executed mount then you’ll be very happy. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every minute I’ve spent with the mount.” – Glen
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“It’s so quick to use and so easy to look through the binocs with an alt-az, it’s the most fun I have had with those big bad boys. Seriously; it’s spectacular. And it’s tracking! I don’t have to keep nudging that dang object back into view when I am doing out-reach.”
– Mark Zaslove on using the Track-The-Stars (TTS-160) Panther Mount
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“Since receiving the mount, we have been truly blown away by its ease of use and effortlessness required to operate this piece of equipment.” – Tom
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“The Panther TTS-160 is extremely well engineered and offers portability, quick set up, excellent tracking and accurate Go-To capabilities.”
– Pete Lawrence, Reviewer, BBC Sky at Night
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“That is an engineering work of art! exclaimed one guy just staring at the Panther.” – Steve
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“An immensely portable, premium mount that is ‘just a few minutes from car to stars’… well done Niels, job very well done.” – James
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“I’m a visual observer who frequently uses military night vision monoculars to enhance the deep sky viewing. I’ve found the TTS extremely flexible, easy to set up and accurate.” – Gavin
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“I can’t imagine moving back to an equatorial mount. I mainly image from home but have no room for a permanent setup. The Panther allows me to set up on my garden patio in 5 minutes.” – Chris
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“I have done some astrophotography with the mount and got some fairly good results. The mount is a high-quality tool and certainly not the limiting factor for my astrophotography results. I am convinced the TTS-160 mount with rOTAtor can match most of the expensive German Equatorial Mounts.” – Henning
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“The TTS-160 Panther carries the Bino as well as the other telescopes without problems and the tracking is precise and smooth. You have to learn the different types of handpad and the alignment procedure and then you have a mount that is very fast to set up (mine is on a short Berlebach Planet tripod), easy to transport and functionally thought through.” – Michael
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“My TTS-160 Panther mount is much easier to transport. It is extremely fast to set up and only one alignment star is needed with no mechanical alignment involved. So it is perfect for visual use and navigation in the sky. If astrophotography is the goal it is easy to add one or two alignment stars more.” – Niels
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“I went from Scorpius to Sagittarius to Serpens to Vulpecula to Cygnus to Lyra to Hercules to Jupiter to Saturn. Every jump the object was in the same relative position in the eyepiece, about 1/3 the way from the centre to edge in the 16 arc minute field. Wow! Scary accurate. Next time when I do a precise star alignment – lookout.” – Jeff
Read the full review here.
TTS-300 Mammoth Obersvatory Telescope Mount
“The mount takes up less space than a traditional German Equatorial Mount of similar capacity and the eyepieces and other instruments are always situated in a good observing position. With groups of students in the observatory in complete darkness it is an advantage not having a long counterweight shaft performing a meridian flip.” – Westminster School
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“The craftsmanship, finish and performance of the mount is impeccable. It was worth every riyal I saved just to get this mount. Setup and tear down is a breeze. I can set up the pier, mount and telescope in just a few minutes. The pier is also a work of art and very sturdy. Unlike other mounts that ‘growl’, my Panther quietly ‘purrs’ when slewing to a target.” – Dionisio
Read the full review here.
TTS-160 Panther Original Telescope Mount
“The biggest advantage of TTS Panther over a GEM with similar payload capacity is its light weight. I use FS-152 and 8-in zerochromat for visual observation so that I had to use a G-11 for tracking. With two little boys crawling and running around the house, I have to store my astro gears upstairs to avoid accidents. ” – Cheng
Read the full review here.